1. Creemos que Dios es el Creador y Sustentador de la vida, y por lo tanto, Soberano sobre todo.
2. Creemos que la Escritura es la Palabra de Dios escrita, la única regla de fe y vida, incluyendo la práctica de la medicina.
3. Creemos que el hombre es una criatura, un ser viviente, creado a la imagen de Dios. Estamos, por lo tanto, para demostrar preocupación por la vida y el bienestar del hombre.
4. Creemos que en la caída de Adán, toda su posteridad ordinaria recibieron en sí mismos la pena de muerte, y toda la miseria y la enfermedad de esta vida.
5. Creemos que la redención de Cristo de los Suyos es completa y, sin embargo la enfermedad, la miseria y la muerte van a persisitir hasta la liberacion final de su esclavitud de la creación.
6. Creemos que Dios ha dado la responsabilidad primaria de la salud al individuo, para que en el matrimonio, el cuerpo de uno de los cónyuges pertenece al otro, y que el jefe de familia es responsable de aquellos bajo su cuidado.
7. Creemos que la iglesia, en su papel de maestra y guardiana del pueblo de Dios, debe instruir, aconsejar y exhortar a tal conducta, como es conducente para mejorar la salud, y debe, después de su confesión debida, orar y ungir a aquellos que estan enfermos.
8. Creemos que el estado tiene un papel limitado, aunque legítimo interés, en la salud, y para ese fin Dios ha sancionado la imposición de medidas restrictivas.
9. Creemos que Dios nos había llamado para servirle a El en la mitigación de los efectos de la caída en la salud, aliviando la miseria, curando la enfermedad y retrasando la muerte, como Sus agentes de causa secundaria.
10. Creemos que nuestro consejo es nuestro principal servicio a nuestros pacientes, en su intento de ser administradores de sus cuerpos, aunque Dios ha dado varias habilidades y medicamentos para ser utilizados sabiamente para este fin.
11. Creemos que nuestras vidas deben ser ejemplos de santidad y pureza, como corresponde a nuestro llamado, y que todo lo que hacemos y decimos sea para la gloria de Dios y el avance de Su reino."
Confession for Christians in Health Care
"In the April issue, Dr. Jay Adams challenged the medical community to formulate a confession of faith and practice. The following suggestion by Dr. Robert Maddox is offered as a partial response to this. Dr. Gary Crampton makes explanatory remarks.
1. We believe God is the Creator and Sustainer of life, and thus, Sovereign over all.
2. We believe Scripture is the written Word of God, the only rule of faith and life, including the practice of medicine.
3. We believe man is a creature, a living being made in the image of God. We are, therefore, to demonstrate concern for the life and welfare of man.
4. We believe that in Adam's fall, all his ordinary posterity received in themselves the penalty of death, and all the misery and sickness of this life.
5. We believe Christ's redemption of His own is complete; yet misery sickness and death will persist until the final release of creation from its bondage.
6. We believe that God has given primary responsibility for health to the individual; that in marriage, the body of one spouse belongs to the other; and that the head of a household is responsible for those under his care.
7. We believe that the church, in its role as teacher and guardian of God's people, must instruct, counsel and exhort to such behavior as is conducive to better health, and must, after their due confession, pray for and anoint those who are sick.
8. We believe that the state has a limited role, though legitimate interest, in health, and to that end God has sanctioned the imposition of restrictive measures.
9. We believe that God had called us to serve Him in the mitigation of the effects of the fall on health, relieving misery, curing sickness and delaying death, as His agents of secondary cause.
10. We believe that our advice is our principal service to our patients, as they seek to be stewards of their bodies, though God has given various skills and medications to be used wisely for this purpose.
11. We believe that our lives should be examples of holiness and purity, as befitting our calling, and that all we do and say be for God's glory and the advancement of His kingdom."
~ By W. Gary Crampton, ThD. and Robert Maddox, M.D."Rev. W. Gary Crampton, Th. D., is pastor of Trinity PCA in Greenville, S.C. He is Professor of Theology at Whitefield Theological Seminary, starting an extension campus in Greenville, S.C.
Dr. Robert Maddox is in his second year of Family Practice Residency training in Florence, S.C. He is a ruling elder in Faith Presbyterian Church, PCA."
Taken from: http://www.bmei.org/jbem/volume1/num4/maddox_crampton_confession_for_christians_in_health_care.php